Our Programs

Our Programs


LIFE LEVEL NEXT is a 2 day intensive program for people who want more from their lives. This program transforms their mind coding and perspective towards life and helps them live a fulfilling and joyful life.

Find out what needs to be changed fundamentally in your life.

The foundation of who you are, what drives you and your core  values.  

Discover how to reprogram and reload new codes that serve your DNA, your core values and decisions.

Define your results you can actually achieve what most don’t.

Understand which people affect you, where you spend your time and how to unleash your true self.

Your personal blueprint that keeps you relentless on your quest.


BUSINESS LEVEL NEXT is a 2 day intensive program for professionals, aspiring entrepreneurs, established entrepreneurs and struggling entrepreneurs to set their business, take it to the next level and scale it without their active participation. NOW ALSO AVAILABLE ONLINE.

 Recoding Your Mindset for Business

 Making the Right Business Model

 Setting Goals & Producing Results

 Building Capable, Productive and Successful teams

 Alluring Marketing Strategies

Methods of Business Scaling

Finding Entrepreneurial Freedom


LEADERSHIP LEVEL NEXT is a 2 day program for business owners, corporate leaders, senior management and managers to scale up their leadership skills and enhance the productivity of the company and the team respectively.

Be crystal clear with your vision, mission & values

Formulate & implement effective leadership strategies

Develop the capabilities needed to increase your team’s work productivity

Help you decrease employee turnover and increase engagement, creating a strong and united team

Develop your communication skills, mastering the art of negotiation, influence and conflict management

Become more confident as a leader and find new ways of influencing the teams you lead

Effectively connect to people, developing the ability to give constructive feedback, and critically seek the feedback of your team

Maintaining resilience while handling uncertainty, solving problems & dealing with interconnected systems

Nurture new leaders and develop a second line of leadership